Call: (03)9008 3851 / 0426 967 668 / 0402 612 782 /
Store Pick Up: U4, 5 Commercial Drive, Lynbrook Vic 3975 (next to hotel)
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Store Open: Monday - Friday 9:00 to 17:30
Saturday 10:00 to 14:00

Shooting Powder

H&G hydroponics shooting powder



House & Garden Shooting Powder forces your plants into starting a new flowering cycle after the regular cycle has stopped, significantly increasing the fruits’ total weight. The extra yield after applying this agent will surprise even the most seasoned grower, as it actually creates a new layer on top of the existing fruit. Output increases of up to 20% can be reached this way.



Available Package:

65gm sachets


House & Garden Shooting Powder is the secret behind every successful grower. This sparkling bud expander is the absolute best in the field of flowering stimulators. It gives visible results and works brilliantly with all base nutrients. It is packed in handy sachets, is simple to use and has been extensively tested by our research team. It has already gained great respect in the horticultural industry and, moreover, has earned our customers’ complete satisfaction.

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We have specialized in distributor of quality hydroponics equipment, Lighting, Fan Ventilation, Grow System, Nutrient Additives and General Accessories since 2012.

With years of experience, we were trusted by our royal customers all over Australia.


  • Michael Grey

    You Fan is Awesome! Quiet and efficient, customers told me that price for value.

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  •   (03) 9008 3851

  • Mobile: 0426 967 668 / 0402 612 782

  •   Unit 4, 5 Commercial Drive
    Lynbrook Vic 3975